How I Learned (Enough) Python Over the Weekend

Rachel Reilly
2 min readJan 25, 2021

Recently, I heard that a programmer can learn the basics of Python over a weekend, and I thought to myself, challenge accepted.

I’ve been learning Java over the course of the last few weeks, and my progress has been slow. I’m still not at the point where I’m coding independently, and I’m far from making anything cool or interesting with Java. This made the low barrier to entry in Python extremely appealing.

Since I was trying to learn Python as quickly as possible, I installed some language-specific VS Code extensions instead of a Python IDE. I already had Python3 installed on my computer, so the only other thing I had to set up was PIP, the Python equivalent of NPM.

Next, I got started on the syntax. I read the Python docs on basic data types before watching videos on the same topics from Socratica on YouTube. These videos helped me conceptually sort out the similarities and differences between Python, Java, and JavaScript. On a side note, I was very disappointed to learn that the hilarious woman in the videos is not a programmer but an actress.

After learning the syntax, I had enough of an understanding of Python to follow along with a video of beginner Python projects from Free Code Camp. This video went through 12 simple games, such as tic-tac-toe and hangman. Coding with the instructor helped me develop a feel for how Python flows.

By Sunday, I felt comfortable enough to do some independent coding, but not ready to tackle Flask. I returned to the Data Structures and Algorithms curriculum from my boot camp and started solving the problems with Python. Adapting the problems from JavaScript to Python was part of the challenge, but there were also some advantages. I was finally able to use negative indexing, which is a feature I’ve envied ever since the first time I googled ‘can you use negative indexing in JavaScript?’. Adjusting to the different types of collections, I was reminded of the benefits of sets, and I’m going to start adding them to my every-day JavaScript repertoire.

So did I learn the basics of Python over the weekend? Kind of. That depends on what you consider the basics. I learned syntax, how to set up a virtual environment, and how to use PIP. There is a lot I wasn’t able to grasp; I’m still trying to figure out the use-cases for the different types of collections; I didn’t touch Numpy or any of the other popular Python tools. At the same time, the syntax is simple enough that I feel like I can develop a deeper understanding of the language while working on interesting projects.



Rachel Reilly

Software Engineer specializing in React but passionate about the future of digital interaction beyond visual user interfaces